
Why It Pays to Invest in Women

Why It Pays to Invest in Women

If you believe that it’s only in emerging economies like the Philippines that issues such as double standards, gender-related salary imbalance, and the glass ceiling still exist, think again. Globally, in both developed and developing countries, “girls and women...

Smart Superwomen Book Series

Smart Superwomen Book Series

I’ve always believed in the power of stories. Countless life stories of different people have inspired me throughout my student life and career. Through story-telling, people get to realize that if he/she was able to do it, I can do it too. This is why I’ve always...

Fitness Goals for Working Women

Fitness Goals for Working Women

Pursuing a career or managing a business while raising a family puts unbelievable demands and pressure on women, and if one is not careful, this can lead to serious health issues. Needless to say, we must never put our health and well-being at the bottom of our list...