by rossanahead | Nov 10, 2017 | business, Business Tips, career, environment, Existing Business, family
For us working Filipina mothers, blogs aren’t just a great form of entertainment but also a convenient method of learning. From mommy blogs, family blogs, style blogs, design blogs, cooking blogs, and all the other various genres of blogs that are out there, there is so much helpful, possibly life-changing knowledge made available to us online. Dive into this compilation of summaries and need-to-know information on a few delightful blogs!
Momma ‘n Manila

Who runs the blog?
Mish Aventajado, a “Filipina American mom of four lovely beings, one of which has an extra chromosome. Living in Manila. Yogini. Teacher. New Yorker at heart.” as she describes herself on her Twitter account.
What can you expect to read about?
“Thoughts on yoga, cooking, crafting, raising a special child, exploring, eating, playing, and living in Manila.”
Follow the blog if:
You want broad knowledge on a spectrum of topics. From special needs awareness to relationship advice to parenting hacks to exercise tips to food recipies to travel ideas to many, many more. This blog is filled to the brim with wisdom on a whole bunch of subjects that you will find relevant. Not only will it educate you with so much of what you need to know, but it also delivers enjoyable and entertaining insights as well.
The author on her blog:
“Through this blog, I hope to document the journey of finding myself through motherhood, learning through my children, my students, and my adventures here in Manila.”
Must-read article: 5 Things Your Kids Should See In Your Marriage (
The Misty Mom

Who runs the blog?
Sharina Macainag, a “beauty junkie preposterously attracted to makeup and skincare”.
What can you expect to read?
Articles of tutorials, item unboxings, and features on topics such as beauty, makeup, skincare, hair, style, fashion, and motherhood. She also writes a monthly series of blogs on her favorite products, both beauty and non-beauty alike.
Follow the blog if:
You want to up your style game or stay up-to-date with the latest fashion, makeup, and hair styles. This blog is yet more proof that having children doesn’t mean you can’t keep up with your own style. It’ll inspire you to put together a great #OOTD, try out a new haircut, get the best products for your face and skin, and commit to many more aesthetic-related upgrades. Your kids will be amazed! Who says moms can’t have great style?
Must-read article: How Sleep and Skincare Worked Wonders for My Skin (
Mommy Peach

Who runs the blog?
Peachy V. Adarne, “a mom to two daughters, wife to a loving husband, foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie, and a law enforcer by profession”.
What can you expect to read about?
“Parenting and life as a mom and as a wife”
The author on her blog:
“This is where I also blog about our family’s travel, beauty finds, and OOTD’s — basically products, brands, or services which I have personally used or encountered.”
Bonus blog: The Peach Kitchen ( Peachy’s foodie blog!
Follow the blog if:
You’re interested in anything food-related. Whether you often wear an apron or not, this blog has a little bit of everything for everyone. There’s a ton of delicious dish recipes and handy kitchen advice for those who like to cook, but there are also new and exciting restaurant and product features, helpful diet tips, health hacks, and more. Take your pick, you’ll definitely find something that’ll pique your interest!

Chasing Dreams

Who runs the blog?
Rhiza Sanchez-Oyos, a “wife, mom, blogger, and dream chaser” who is a “self-taught Web Designer and Front-end Developer too”.
What can you expect from the blog?
Energizing articles focused on stories about her “family, marriage, life, dreams, and faith”.
Follow the blog if:
You want to be creatively stimulated. If your mind is ready and willing to be filled up with inspiration of all sorts. Whether to broaden your imagination so you can start up a new project, or to strengthen your motivation so you can continue striving on what you’re working on now. This blog will light a fire in your head, causing your creativity to intensify.
The author on her blog:
“I hope somewhere in the pages of this site you find the inspiration you need to pursue your calling too.”
Must-read article: How to Balance Your Family, Career, and Creative Passions (
So, there you have it! Of course there is still a multitude of other wonderful blogs out there, but this is just a hand-picked variety of some of the ones suited for working Filipina mothers like us. As you can tell, following these blogs are an enjoyable and convenient way of discovering new tricks in the kitchen, fresh outfit and makeup styles, up-to-date tips on motherhood and so much more. When you find some time—maybe when the kids are at school or you have a few free minutes at work—go check them out. After all, it would be a waste to miss out on what these powerful women and their inspiring blogs have to offer!
Featured Photo by Emma Matthews on Unsplash
by rossanahead | Mar 28, 2017 | business, Business Tips, Existing Business
The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) has suspended the Certificates of Registration of at least 84 credit and lending companies pursuant to SEC Resolution No. 174, dated March 7, 2017.
It may be recalled that the SEC has undertaken severe measures against the proliferation of “informal lenders,” or persons who engage in lending without primary registration (of incorporation) and secondary license (to extend loans to the public) from the SEC.
Under the Lending Company Regulation Act of 2007, or Republic Act No. 9474, it is illegal to act as a lending company or lending investor unless the entity registers as a corporation and secures a license to operate as one from the SEC.
The public is enjoined to get in touch with the SEC for any information concerning persons and entities engaged in illegal lending. You may call the Corporate Governance and Finance Department at (02) 818-5476 or 818-5516, or make an online report through the i-Message Mo on the Commission’s website.
For the complete list of entities with suspended registration, click here.
Featured Photo from My Office
by rossanahead | Mar 27, 2017 | business, Trainers
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is convening the 2017 Exporters’ Forum on March 29, 2017 at the Bulwagang Bangko Sentral, 19/F, Multi-Storey Building, BSP Complex, Malate, Manila, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The Exporters’ Forum is an annual event which serves as a venue for discussion with representatives of major export industry firms and associations on recent developments, issues, and outlook for their respective sectors.
For inquiries on the forum, please contact the agency at (02) 306-2970 or 708-7701 local 2680 (landline), 708-7217 (fax), or 0908-261-6432 (mobile).
For the forum program, click here.
Featured Photo from Daily Tribune
by rossanahead | Mar 22, 2017 | business, Business Tips, Existing Business, gender equality
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is leading the drive to help more women entrepreneurs in the region, including those in the Philippines, gain entry into the global marketplace.
Small business promotion authorities from APEC member economies are taking the next steps to ease bottlenecks hindering women-led exporters and their growth and job-creating potential in the Asia-Pacific, the APEC Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group said in a statement.
The group detailed plans to expand efforts to tackle gender bias in trade during recent meetings in Sydney, Australia. These include greater cross-border training and technical exchange to enable reforms that aim to level the playing field for women-owned and managed firms in APEC economies, and improve their access to international markets.
“The move could increase trade-driven growth and job creation across a range of businesses—from a successful hand-loomed fabric producer run and operated by women in Philippine villages, to an emerging technology company started by a Peruvian woman that helps disabled people to communicate via instant messaging, to women-managed suppliers of materials and parts in Viet Nam that support manufacturers in Australia, Japan and the United States,” said the statement released March 22.
“APEC economies are deepening cooperation to break down barriers to the development and competitiveness of women-led businesses,” explained Nguyen Hoa Cuong, chair of the working group.
“Our work to address inequalities facing women entrepreneurs and managers stands to boost trade and growth, particularly among small businesses that account for the majority of employment across the region,” noted Nguyen.
The focus is on lowering institutional and policy barriers to participation in trade by women-led businesses. Examples include outdated labor laws that fail to sufficiently protect women, a lack of childcare services, limited availability of credit, and inadequate or out-of-reach higher education and skills development opportunities.
To address these challenges, APEC is increasing public sector capacity to introduce gender-responsive trade promotion policies and programs, in coordination with the business community and civil society. Training and information-sharing sessions for trade promotion officials, to be held next month in Ha Noi, Vietnam, will take this multi-year, region-wide initiative forward.
“Women-led small and medium enterprises can better tap into international business and global supply chains when they are supported by government policy and practices that tackle gender specific constraints faced by female entrepreneurs,” explained Cynthia Balogh, director of Women Going Global, the chief trainer leading the team overseeing the project. “The incentives for job creation and growth in the region are potentially huge.”
This work is complemented by measures taking shape in APEC to widen access and use of e-commerce by women-led micro, small, and medium enterprises, helping them reach customers and business partners abroad.
Opening up financing avenues, branding, intellectual property protection, and management support are further areas of emphasis.
“Women in the Asia-Pacific are major drivers of small businesses with great exporting potential but may be constrained by unsupportive economic and social policies,” said Hoang Thi Thu Huyen, chair of the APEC Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy.
“Reform is key to realizing more gender balanced trade that benefits everyone. It is also critical to transforming attitudes that remain the bigger obstacle to women’s economic empowerment,” she added. – Romelda C. Ascutia
Photo: Asian Development Bank
Featured Photo from
by rossanahead | Mar 9, 2017 | business, Trainers
A CPA firm is giving a seminar on taxation updates entitled “BIR Issuances Affecting Your Tax Compliance,” to be held 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on March 28, 2017 at the I’M Hotel on Makati Avenue, Makati City.
According to Diaz Murillo Dalupan and Company, the seminar will provide an up-to-date tax talk given the nearing filing deadlines with the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
To view the seminar program, click here. To get in touch with the organizer, call (02) 894-5892, (0908) 319-3486, or (0905) 350-3637. You may also e-mail
Featured Photo Courtesy of Rappler